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    Two blue-and-white porcelain sealed ‘Zamzam’ water bottles on Legacy-collections Sphere from

    The Prophet was known to drink from the well of Zamzam and use its water for significant purposes. The most famous hadith (Prophetic saying) regarding Zamzam states that the water is good for whatever purpose it is intended. Thus, over time, the water has been used for many purposes: in graves, to prevent harm, to cure and in ceremonies to obtain blessings. Similar examples to these bottles are in the Topkapi Saray Museum in Istanbul and were used during ceremonies involving the mantle of the Prophet. During these ceremonies the mantle was dipped in Zamzam water and what dripped from the cloth was then collected in bottles similar to these. Other comparable types were simply sent from Mecca to Istanbul containing Zamzam water and closed with leather, string and sealed with wax, as have the present bottles.

    Two blue-and-white porcelain sealed ‘Zamzam’ water bottles